The sun enters Taurus at exactly 6:46pm today for the East Coast. We're leaving the wild initiative of Aries and heading into the steady, grounded energy of Taurus. Taurus is a stabilizing influence, very dependable, to the point of being stubborn. With the sun's energy behind it, this sign will push a focus on financial issues and working through projects.
Are you a Sun in Taurus? Find out what that means here.
Having just started graduate school for special education, I look forward to this kind of energy. I forgot that school is hard! My enthusiasm for school is still strong, but it has mellowed to the dedication towards schoolwork, a stubbornness that drives me towards high grades.
School has changed for me. Oh, sure the grades are there, and the tests are there, but the information seems ever more valuable because I realize that even in my general education classes are tidbits that will help me later in the career. I don't think I realized that the first time I went to college. It's an odd system that forces children of 16 and 17 to decide what they want to do for their careers. Those few that know what they want to do, that have that passion, are lucky. Many of us are stuck in limbo, trying to figure out varying career paths throughout our entire lives. I've traveled many paths myself and frankly, it's highly expensive to get educated! In an ideal world, higher education would be the norm, but education is a business and a commodity. The irony being that though every profession requires education of some kind, teachers are wildly underpaid and undervalued. I challenge anyone to think of a profession that does not require some kind of education. We are a society that values escape more than preparation. We want to watch TV, go to the movies, play video games, etc. Now, having come from the entertainment field, I'm not knocking this, but how can we expect children to value education when we don't?
For that matter, while calculus and physics are important to many professions, I could have definitely used a class on balancing my checkbook, basic tax laws, budgeting, nutrition, proper exercise, etc. We teach people how to make a living instead of teaching them how to live. I don't believe I've needed algebra nearly as much as I've needed budgeting skills. Perhaps, with better monetary skills, we would be better handling this economic crisis. Not necessarily a given, but who knows what could happen if we taught life skills in school? Then, those who would wish to go into professions that require calculus or physics can access those classes and maybe we wouldn't seek escape as much. But don't worry, entertainment will never go away. We will always have a need for it. Just as money is an integral part of our lives.
Which brings us back to Taurus, the sign of money. Hopefully, its dependable nature will help our world in this tumultuous time.
Sorry, the funding for home economics has been cut from the budget. I believe they used to teach these types of basic skills in schools. Aside from that, I think parents have a responsibility to teach their kids exactly what you are talking about. We are still in our 20s and learning how to get by. We'll learn and make sure the next generation learns too. Our more privileged generation may have missed out on a lot of the simple things, but now we are going to have to face reality, even if it hurts.
ReplyDeleteAs I read this entire blog I could swear that the person writing it is well beyond his only 27 years. It is insightful and amusing, thoughtful and introspective, engaging and interesting. As your book grabbed me, so does your blog. I will come back to see what insights you have on any given day, and wish you well as you wander down the new yellow brick road.........
ReplyDeleteI completely agree that it's up to the parents to teach these skills; hopefully the education system can reinforce the teachings of the parent who accepts this responsibility and/or compensate for the parent who does not. For example, and if we are going to offer classes in sex education (which many would consider a parent's prerogative), perhaps other important life skills can be included in the curriculum. Our generation, though privileged, indeed has to face reality and find a way to make sure the next generation learns. Thank you for offering your insights. I look forward to hearing more from you.